| |MAY 202319Natural Bypass­ Advancement towards cureExternal Counter Pulsation (ECP) also known as Natural Bypass technique is an approved mechanical process with-out pushing wires, stents, and others. into the body but dilates blood vessels and enable body to grow new blood vessels much like bypass and stem cell therapy. Most patients can walk longer distance and faster, have fewer episodes of pain chest and require less medication after the therapy. The patients experience better quality of life while tests can confirm the improved cardiac status. Patients have decreased chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, tiredness as well as a significant improvement in exercise tolerance and energy. They can walk longer distance and faster more com-fortably. Medication is reduced in al-most all patients. Stress Thallium can picture the heart muscle's blood flow while the new non-invasive Cardio-vascular Cartography can map heart's blood flow and study the Oxygen de-mand reserve ratio, blood vessel elas-ticity, myocardial burden, and others.In comparison to the convention-al CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting) which requires splitting the breastbone through a 10-inch inci-sion, Natural bypass therapy is com-pletely non-invasive, preserves the cosmetic appeal, painless procedure, no risk of infection and requires no hospital stay or recovery time. The benefit usually lasts up to three to nine years.Sometimes Bypass surgery and angioplasty are not successful, there may be recurrence of symptoms after bypass, and patient may not be fit for surgery or the patient may prefer to avoid surgery for cultural or personal choice. Now non-invasive treatments such as External Counter Pulsation (ECP) is an option for these patients without the fear and trauma of sur-gery and are coming up as post bypass rehabilitation support. Who All can benefit from Natural Bypass Technique?Timely diagnosis and early detection of probability of onset of heart disease can work wonders in preventing the mortality and morbidity rate due to Heart ailments. · Pre-existing heart patients with Angina or chest pain. · High risk individuals with fam-ily history of heart disease, diabetes, over-weight, high cholesterol, smok-ers, high blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle, stress, and more.· Patients unfit for angioplas-ty or bypass due to lung, kidney or other conditions.· Failure or recurrence after an-gioplasty, stents or bypass. · Those not wanting to undergo surgery for religious, cultural or other reasons.· Small vessels disease (more common in diabetics and women) that is less responsive to angioplasty and bypass.· Leg pain due to Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). With advanced and non-invasive treatment methods like the natural bypass, many patients on the verge of cardiac ailments can be treated. POWith advanced and non-invasive treatment methods like the natural bypass, many patients on the verge of cardiac ailments can be treated
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