| |DECEMBER 202219Gaining recognition from the World Health Organization in the year 1976, Unani became largely accepted globally as a system of traditional medicine· Physical activity· Mental activity and restHow the Diagnosis is Carried OutWhat tells the Unani physician a lot regarding his ailment is firstly the patient's physical appearance ­ it is the 1st highlight. Later, inquiries regarding the patient's dietary intake, symptoms, sleep and activity patterns, etc result in obtaining more and more insights and information and all these form the basis of the treatment. While the Unani medicine system is part of the knowledge of ancient cultures that has stood the test of time, it has depicted significant results in curing ailments such as respiratory conditions, skin & blood, gastrointestinal tract, Musculoskeletal system, liver, nervous system, and others. Now, this system has gone beyond national boundaries and is famous amidst the masses around the world. Processed Using Classical Modes of PreparationUnani medications are always pro-cessed using classical modes of prepa-ration. These are as per originally described in Greeco-Arabic medicine. Unani medicines are either used sin-gly/individually or are compounded with various other elements/sub-stances intending to achieve syner-gistic, antagonistic/detoxifying ef-fects. Gaining recognition from the World Health Organization in the year 1976, Unani became largely ac-cepted globally as a system of tradi-tional medicine. In India, numerous institutions engaged in Unani teaching and research of the Unani medicine system. Classical Unani medicine recommended established `reg-imental' therapies. This was known as/called tadabeer in the treatment of numerous chronic & acute diseases, and those therapies comprise: · Dalak ­ massage· Hammam ­ bath & sauna· Karat ­ exercise· Fasd ­ venesection or opening a vein to let the blood out· Hijamat ­ cupping ­ a process of drawing blood to the surface of the body by using a glass cup or tube· Amat-e-kai ­ leeching or bleeding a person by using leechesSurgical interventions or otherwise known as ilaj-bil-yad are a last resort and their practice is most often or usually beyond the realm of the hakim's expertise.Treating COVID with Unani MedicinesThe 1st phase trial of treating COVID-19 patients using Unani medicines provided positive results, one of the doctors who was involved in the trial said on August 27th, 2021. While the trial is part of the project where the aim is to find a cure for the COVID-19 infection, it is backed by the Union ministry of Ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and homeopathy (AYUSH), and the trial is carried out by a team of three doctors, two of whom are from one of the biggest hospitals in Jharkhand, the third is an AYUSH practitioner and research fellow. Talking to TOI about the trial, Dr. Anshul Kumar, the head of the department of cardiothoracic vascular surgery at Rims, who leads the team said, "We started the research project in January this year and selected 46 patients for the trial. Our first patient was enrolled on February 26th and the trial went on till May 11th". He further said, "We administered three Unani drugs -- two milligrams of Tiryaq Wabai once a day for 45 days, two nasal drops four times a day for 10 days or until symptoms subsided, and one of Habbe Loban tablet twice a day for ten days. The drugs were administered to selected patients with mild to moderate symptoms and they showed signs of improvement within a week".Dr. Anshul added, "Patients with uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, liver, kidney ailments, and patients on ventilator support were not included in the trial due to their immuno-compromised state". On the second phase trial, it was stated that 100 patients would be selected and will commence in a couple of weeks. While the project was granted a total of Rs.6.2 lakh with the 1st installment of five lakh that was provided to the team, they are, however, looking for more funds in order to continue with the project. PO
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