| |NOVEMBER 20228Real world evidence (RWE) in pharmaceutical drug development analyzes real world data, such as electronic health records and data from wearable devices, to complement clinical trials data. RWE provides insights that trials can't, including safety and effectiveness details from a patient's daily life. RWE helps researchers understand how patient characteristics and behaviors affect health outcomes, which helps to predict the progression of a disease and a patient's response to a vaccine or therapy. As the use of RWE continues to expand, pharmaceutical industry professionals can see key use cases in the vaccine development process, the testing of medications, and the design of digital therapeutics. In this article, we have listed the top three benefits of Real world evidence in the pharmaceutical industry.Increasing Adoption of RWD in Rare DiseasesRare disease research is an area that can benefit greatly from using RWD. Many rare diseases are not well studied, their natural history is unknown, and the outcomes that should be targeted are unclear. Traditional RCTs include treatment and control arms in which participants receive the current standard of care or placebo. Of course, in the case of rare and orphan disease populations, a sufficiently powered traditional RCT may be very difficult to carry out due to recruitment challenges and the potential absence of a current standard of care. As a result, single-arm trials are increasingly being relied upon as pharmaceutical companies focus on small populations in therapeutic areas of extremely high unmet medical need. This phenomenon is not only limited to rare and orphan disease populations, such as Batten disease and Lennox-Gastaut THREE CRUCIAL BENEFITS OF LEVERAGING REAL-WORLD EVIDENCE IN PHARMATHE PANORAMA
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